The easy way to earn money is through e-mail, very easy, you open e-mails and earn money (whithout problems whith virus)
You need to create a account in the sites below, after that you receive mails and it just open and wait a small time until appearing the message " your account has been credit "
All the sites are reliable and more are to be tested
The sites:
you only waiting 5seconds and earn (about 25 mails each day)
no minimum payout (about 15 emails each day)
good payment for each email (about 10 mails each day)
Many emails and little text (50 mails each day)
little text and many emails without time (25 emails each day)
Important Notes: Have an email as the gmail that allows saved email received in specify separator, or have an email only for this sites. (if you need a invitation to gmail tell me).
You need a paypal account to receive the money, go to :
Good Luck